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Monday, February 25, 2013

Step bye Step instalation of Windows AIK For Windows 7

Windows AIK Installation

(Windows AIK or WAIK) is a collection of tools and technologies produced by Microsoft designed to help deploy Microsoft Windows operating system images to target computers or to a VHD (Virtual Hard Disk). It was first introduced with Windows Vista. The WAIK is a required component of the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit.[1]

Windows AIK Version 1.0 was released with Windows Vista. New or redesigned tools and technologies included Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM), SysPrepImageX, and Windows Preinstallation Environment (WinPE) v2.0.[2]
Windows® Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) 3.1 is being released as an Windows Automated Installation Kit (Windows AIK) supplement for Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1). Windows PE 3.1 includes all optional components and language packs. You can apply these optional components and language packs to customize the boot.wim and winre.wim images that are part of the Windows 7 SP1 installation media.

STEP 1     Download the Windows AIK

This is a very large download (1.77GB). A broadband (high-speed) internet connection is highly recomended.

STEP 2    Create the windows AIK DVD
         Once the WAIK file is downloaded, you'll need to burn it to a DVD. The file is in a .img format. Many burning programs like MagicISO, WinISO, etc. can handle the .img format. If you don't have a program that will handle it, you can download a free program called ImgBurnImgBurn will burn the .img file directly to a DVD.

STEP3   Install Windows AIK

       # Insert DVD And Run Startcd.exe

Click on Continue

The main installation window should now display. Select the Windows AIK Setup option to begin the installation.



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